Photos, Logos & Templates


To access digital assets such as logos and photos, visit Banner’s digital asset management platform (WebDAM) and perform a simple search, or navigate using the directory structures on the left.

On WebDAM, you can search a variety of assets in categories including:

  • Graphics (maps, things like “Better Together” and our Values graphic)
  • Logos
  • Facility photos
  • Stock photos
  • Templates (including event flyers, letterhead, and PowerPoint)
  • Physician, Provider and Executive portrait photos (credentials required)

Note: It may be beneficial to register an account on WebDAM if you are a frequent user or require credentials to download provider portraits and other protected assets. Please contact

Which File do I Need?

Not sure which image or file to download? Refer to the chart below to ensure the files you select and provide are compatible for use in your project.

Logos, graphics and other artwork

Raster Vector Vector
Common image format for digital display, used in Word templates, email signatures, and on the web. If you are ordering or producing a printed item (t-shirts, cups, pocket folders, ads), the printer or designer will need this file. Only users developing digital pieces for which the provided .PNGs are insufficiently sized should access these files.

Portraits and other photos

Raster Raster (Original Resolution)
Common image format. Many files on our database include tags at the end of the filename: LR (low resolution: sized specifically for website listings), MR (medium resolution: for presentations and use in templates and other collateral), HR (high resolution: for archival purposes and use in the production of ads). Original/high resolution versions of photographs (usually facility or stock photos). Compressed versions of these photos are available upon request. These files are maintained mainly for archival purposes and used in the production of ads.